Email Marketing Statistics: Consumer Attitudes Toward Emails - Digital Dose

Email Marketing Statistics: Consumer Attitudes Toward Emails

Suppose you want to know how your open rates stack up against the industry average or discover a fresh best practice to emulate. In that case, most email marketing statistics roundups are excellent resources.

They seldom, however, reveal what customers anticipate from email marketing or how to use data to drive a value-driven campaign. Rest assured, though. My purpose in coming is to upend things.

To find out how people feel about emails, my team and I polled 1000 people; I reveal all in this post. You will discover their email usage patterns, their preferred topics, and—above all—what they think of email content produced by AI.

Let’s get right into crafting more profitable, interesting, and relevant email marketing.

Principal Learnings Of Email Marketing

Several times a day, most people check their emails. A staggering one in five people checks them many times each hour!
Emails are signed up by people to find out about possible deals, receive reminders about forthcoming events, and discover new brands and first-time offers.

Retailers, entertainment, and health and wellness rank as the three most email-using industries. More appealing to younger consumers are numerical headlines like “60% off.” Consumers who are older like exclusivity. Though males like exclusive offerings, women also like numerical headlines.

Of consumers, more than half (53.2%) said they were unable to identify email content produced by AI. Of those who can, 38.89 percent find it unimportant and 35.68 percent find it enjoyable. Utilizing appealing discounts to increase subscribers, segmenting your audience tailoring emails, and having AI systems produce interesting material in seconds will all help your email marketing efforts work better.


We polled 1,500 Americans in all age groups and demographics who indicated they would be inclined to subscribe to email newsletters and other types of content from the companies and brands they follow to find out what they thought about email.

We discovered what follows.

Email Usage Patterns of Consumers

Starting, let’s talk about the top email marketing preferences of consumers:

  • How often do consumers check their email?
  • How do they check email?
  • Of what kind of offers are they interested?

You may then provide subscribers with what they desire!

How often do consumers check their email?

Consumers check their email a great deal. According to our data, 58% of consumers probably check their email a couple of times a day. Eighteen percent of people check their email several times an hour. Finding out that 89% of respondents said they checked their email on a smartphone will not be shocking, then.

They also check their emails around the clock.

  • Early in the morning, before nine in the morning, said 30 percent.
  • Of those, 25 percent stated late morning (9 a.m.–12 p.m.).
  • Twenty-one percent named early afternoon (12 to 3 p.m.)

You read correctly—it makes no difference whether you send your email in the morning or the afternoon. However, to increase the success of your email marketing initiatives, I advise testing several times a day with your particular target group to find out what they prefer.

Consumers register for emails for what reasons?

Knowing what drives individuals to subscribe helps, whether you manage email marketing for e-commerce sites or almost any other company. According to our research, the following four reasons are the most often given for email sign-ups:

  • Learn about possible sales and promotions
  • Reminders of forthcoming events
  • Discover further information on brands
  • Receive a first-time deal discount

Make your email sign-up CTA as tempting as you can by keeping in mind these factors.

Consumers are more interested in which industries?

According to our poll, the following three industries are the most common ones from which consumers get emails:

  • Online Merchants
  • Entertainment
  • General Health

That’s fantastic if you manage email marketing for online retailers.

Whoever you ask, though, determines which industries are the top ones. People who claimed to make purchases from emails either frequently or very frequently, for instance, tended to sign up for emails from quite varied industries top three industries for these customers with high intent were:

  • Technology (contemplate large IT firms and manufacturers)
  • Second place went to travel and hospitality plus health and well-being.
  • Online Merchants

The nice thing about this customer base is that 41 percent of them would still check to see if your emails were useful or valuable to them, even if they don’t recall signing up to receive emails from your company.

Social Profile and Email Preferences

Let’s examine now how age and gender demographics affect email preferences.

1. Age

We surveyed several age groups (16–24, 25–34, 35–54+) to find out which email subject lines would probably entice people to read the message.

In other words, younger customers, 16–24 and 25–34 years old, indicated a headline with a number like “60% off ALL spring styles” was the most alluring.

The 54+-year-olds favored subject lines that included the word “exclusive offer.”

2. Sex

The fact that men and women sign up for emails from diverse industries won’t surprise me.

The top three industries for males are:

  • Technology
  • Retailers
  • Entertainment and events

Women’s top three industries are:

  • Retailers’ entertainment and event planning
  • General Health
  • Subject lines that appeal to men and women differ as well.

Offers in numbers are preferred by women and, exclusivity by men.

This study explains if you didn’t previously, why email segmentation is crucial. Creating distinct groups out of your email list (depending on age, gender, or something else entirely) enables you to customize email content and subject lines.

If you segment by gender, try focusing on women with numerical offers and males with exclusive ones (like the one above).

Artificial Intelligence and How it’s transforming emails

Customer-centric email campaign creation is now quicker and easier than ever, thanks to the proliferation of generative AI tools.

Toolkits like Bard and ChatGPT let you:

  • Write intriguing subject lines.
  • Craft the body of your email.
  • Come up with packages and savings.
  • Edit the original.

You’re most likely asking if customers can identify AI content and if they care if you’re utilizing these AI techniques to build email messages. Not to worry, we’ve already posed the query and totaled the responses.

Most individuals are oblivious to and unconcerned about email content produced by AI. Some 53.2 percent of respondents said they are unable to identify AI-generated content in emails. The good news is that your readers won’t likely give a damn about AI content in your emails, even if they can.

When we questioned customers on their opinions on emails with AI content:

  • 38.89 percent of respondents claim that they are unaffected by emails, including AI-generated material.
  • 35.68 percent of respondents believe AI-generated content is beneficial generally and that they prefer having it there.
  • Of those, 25.43 percent dislike AI material and may unsubscribe from emails as a result.

Younger customers are more likely to see AI content. All age groups were divided about 50:50 on whether they could identify AI copy when we disaggregated responses by gender and age.

Yes, this was the tendency among younger age groups (they could identify AI copy). While most (65%) customers 45 years of age and older were unable to determine if emails were produced, AI,

While men were nearly evenly divided (50.45 percent responded yes and 49.55 percent said no), more women (56 percent) stated they could not identify AI material.


Email Marketing Statistics: Consumer Attitudes Toward Emails - Digital Dose


Advance Your Email Plan

Interested in converting my observations into email marketing best practices?

Here is how, in my opinion, you may use the results of my poll to design email marketing that is focused on your customers.

Divide up your readership. According to my poll, various demographics demand different things from your email. Email segmentation can thus raise open rates, lower unsubscribers, and boost ROI. Give the people who visit your website an incentive to subscribe to your email. Almost anything will work to encourage individuals to join because your email list produces $36 for every $1 spent developing it. So, if new users subscribe or exchange their email for a gated resource like a whitepaper, give them a shopping deal.

As much AI as you like is yours. My research makes it rather evident that most customers are unable to identify AI. If they can, they are most likely unconcerned. Thapermits meon to quickly and easily generate compelling subject lines and body copy using specialized AI email tools like and Mailmeteor. Naturally, before pressing that schedule button, have a human confirm it is OK!

Final Thought

These email marketing numbers demonstrate the amazing potential of email as a marketing tool and throw light on how people will use it in 2024. It is a lifeline to the lives of your customers. They check their email so frequently that you may contact them and expect a response day or night.

With AI growing, things are even better now. You can stop starting from the beginning while creating emails. Launch ChatGPT or any other AI Writer of your choice and, in a matter of minutes, build dozens of email campaigns.

465 thoughts on “Email Marketing Statistics: Consumer Attitudes Toward Emails”

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